If you live outside the Clinton City School District and wish for your child to attend a Clinton City School you may apply by completing a New Student Transfer Application. The application window opens on April 3 and closes on May 15. Applications will not be accepted until April 3. Student's latest report card should accompany the application for consideration for students entering grades 1-6.
Approved applicants will be notified by mail of acceptance by June 1. Once approved, transfer students can then call central office for an appointment for New Transfer Registration Days.
New Transfer Registration Days will be June 15-16, 2023. On these dates, all necessary paperwork will be completed and the one time transfer fee of $25 will be paid. Applications will not be accepted until all information is complete.
Parents/Guardians must agree to the following guidelines:
Your child will be enrolled in the school system and in the school requested provided space is available.
Clinton City Schools shall have the right to deny any transfer request of a student who has a history of inappropriate behavior or attendance concerns.
Clinton City Schools shall have the right to deny any transfer request of a student whose parents exhibit a lack of support for the Clinton City Schools philosophy, School Board Policies, and state and local assessment expectations.
Clinton City Schools does not provide transportation.
School preference is not guaranteed.
Transfer applications received after May 15 will be placed on a waiting list until enrollment is evaluated.
Related link: New Student Transfer Application