Over the past generation, children have lost out on the ability to explore a wide variety of sports and activities. With competition sports taking over the Optimist and community leagues, children are often forced into one particular sport at a very young age. This often leads to burn-out and a lack of exposure to other possible areas of interest.
In 2018, Clinton City began a comprehensive well-rounded activities program called the Blaze. The name Blaze was adopted because as a Clinton City School System, we “build the fire” for the Clinton High School Dragons. We want our students to identify themselves as a member of a larger community with our city. Within a very short amount of time, our Blaze offerings have expanded to many areas.
The ultimate goal of Blaze Well-Rounded activities is to provide our students with a wide variety of opportunities to develop individual talents and interests. CCS wants our students to have engaging activities after school where they can become involved in a special group beyond the classroom. We offer our activities at various times throughout the year to allow students the ability to participate in several activities.
The Blaze Program is mainly funded through individual, business, and community donations. Our Clinton City School’s basketball court was completely renovated in 2018 through generous donations. Having the program so strongly supported by donations has helped build pride and a solid foundation for our Blaze activities. Our Blaze activities are guaranteed to draw a large crowd of spectators!
Most Blaze activities are offered across the district, allowing students from all three schools to interact as one community. It is our goal that this will serve them well when they move onto middle school where several schools combine into one building.
Currently, we are offering the following Blaze well-rounded activities: