Clinton City Schools
5 Year School Board Strategic Plan
“Amplify 2025”

School Board
Dr. Tim Bible, Chairman
Merle Pryse, Vice Chair
Curtis Isabell
Joey Smith
David Queener
KK Webster
Clinton City Schools: Amplify 2025
School Board 5 Year Strategic Plan
Vision - The vision of Clinton City Schools is to provide a solid foundation for educational excellence.
Mission - Recognizing that the future is dependent on today’s students, the mission of Clinton City Schools is to educate our students to achieve their full potential by providing a safe and challenging academic environment where standards are high and learning is a priority.
Beliefs -
Teacher collective efficacy is key to the overall success of our system.
We believe in a growth mindset for both teachers and students. Believe it and we can achieve it.
We believe that some of the greatest learning comes from making mistakes. We must create a safe learning space for our students and teachers.
Education is a partnership between teachers, students, guardians, and the community.
Our society is rapidly changing, and education must continually adapt to these changes to ensure our students are well prepared.
Each student has a right to develop to his/her fullest potential.
Education is a life-long endeavor for both students and teachers.
A positive, safe learning environment is essential for both teaching and learning.
Students can reach a high level of achievement/academic excellence with the proper supports.
It is important to develop well-rounded students who have opportunities in a wide variety of experiences.
Appropriate instruction and use of current technology should be provided to all students.
Differentiating for the varying levels of students results in academic growth.
The combination of rigor, innovation, technology, relationships, and collaboration creates a successful learning environment.
Goal 1: Academics
Clinton City Schools will be within the top 20 districts across the state in terms of success rate on TN Ready.
1.1 Provide rigorous instructional resources to teachers that meet the depth expectations of TN State Standards in all academic areas.
1.2 Implement research-based diagnostic benchmarks in all grade levels that predict proficiency and show student growth.
1.3 Transition instructional coaches into a more cognitive coaching, job-embedded role.
1.4 Utilize resources, instructional coaches, teacher observations, professional learning communities, and professional development to improve the quality of tier-one instruction with a focus on differentiation.
1.5 Improve the quality of on-grade level enrichment during the daily response to intervention time.
1.6 Reduce variability in the quality of instruction during the response to intervention time.
1.7 Shift technology classes to a focus on computer science/STEM.
1.8 Explore one or more schools becoming a state-certified STEM school.
Goal 2: Whole Child
Clinton City Schools will continue to implement the philosophy of high expectations with an abundance of support while also providing opportunities to develop social and emotional competencies in an effort to produce a well-rounded student.
2.1 Implement a comprehensive attendance support program that maintains close communication to parents regarding attendance and specific, individualized attendance improvement plans.
2.2. Implement STAR mental health program in conjunction with Ridgeview, offering counseling services to students during the school day.
2.3 Expand BEST groups that provide emotional support to students in a trauma informed manner by qualified staff members.
2.4 Expand fine arts opportunities for students both during school and through enrichment clubs.
2.5 Provide Blaze well-rounded opportunities to students to develop talents and interests outside of the classroom: Reader’s Society, STEM, art, bowling, dancing, track, cross country, basketball, swimming, archery, etc.
2.6 Maintain a full-time nurse at each school to address health issues that impact class performance.
2.7 Continue to develop community partnerships with outside agencies to provide health services to students such as health screenings, dental, vision, tobacco prevention, micro clinics, etc. Partnerships will include the Anderson County Health Department, Lions Club, ASAP, Clinton Police Department, Clinton Fire Department, etc.
2.8 Provide ongoing training to staff regarding trauma informed discipline practices.
2.9 Explore and create a regular education alternative placement program for students who need specific emotional supports.
2.10 Contract with an outside behavior specialist to assist with Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans.
2.11 Explore the possibility of having an on-site health care option for staff and students.
2.12 Expand college and career exploration for students.
2.13 Addition of a part-time social worker to serve as a liaison between community resources and student/family needs.
Goal 3: Teachers
Clinton City Schools will ensure that there is an effective educator in every classroom across the district, reducing the variability between schools and grade levels, as evident by a multiple lens data focus.
3.1 Provide training and support for teacher collective efficacy, which has been proven by John Hattie to be the number one indicator of student success.
3.2 Create a formal Teacher Induction Program that provides a good balance of the whole group and differentiated new teacher training.
3.3 Increase staff salaries to assist in recruiting and retaining highly effective educators.
3.4 Provide differentiated professional learning using teacher and student data as the basis for decision making.
3.5 Create a teacher leader program to encourage effective teachers to remain in the classroom.
3.6 Formalize an administrator pipeline program.
Goal 4: Facilities
Clinton City Schools will engage in proactive maintenance, repair, and improvement practices in order to provide school campuses that are safe and conducive for learning.
Guiding Principle: Clinton City Schools utilizes existing funds to address maintenance, repairs and improvements. Clinton City Schools finances, as needed, capital projects and improvements that increase system enrollment capacity.
CES addition- 4 classrooms, 2 RTI rooms, 2 RTI rooms -or- 1/2 classroom, restroom/changing room, custodial closet, tech closet
Replace intercom system at CES
Boiler system replacement at CES
CES roof replacement (above terrazzo floors)
Replace intercom system at NCES
CES Auditorium Renovation
CES roof replacement (Gym & West End- to the 2019 addition)
CES roof replacement (Auditorium & Cafe/Kitchen)
NCES all of ballasted roofing
NCES 16 HVAC units
**These projects are projections. Possible addition to SCES may be needed if enrollment significantly increases from new housing subdivisions.