Our school nurses coordinate school-based health services to ensure all students receive proper care and attention while at school.
Services provided by the school nurses include:
caring for students who are sick or hurt
monitoring and caring for students with special medical conditions
dispensing medications according to school policy
assisting with health screenings
reviewing student health records
working with physicians and parents to develop Section 504 Health Plans
communicating to staff members with a legitimate educational interest the requirements of individual student health plans
conducting staff development activities
presenting classroom instruction in all areas of health
providing health information to parents and school personnel
serving as a resource to the school and community
Emergency Procedures
When a child is injured or becomes ill while at school, the school nurse's office will evaluate the child's condition and notify the parent or guardian as soon as possible.
In cases needing emergency care, the parent will decide what physician will treat the child and whether to pick up the child at school or to contact emergency transportation to carry the child to a designated hospital where the parent will meet the child. If the parent or guardian cannot be reached and the student requires emergency medical care that is not available from school personnel, emergency services will be contacted. The child will be transported to the nearest emergency hospital, the Methodist Medical Center in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Clinton Elementary
Ms. Kristen King
North Clinton Elementary
Ms. Katie Hernandez
South Clinton Elementary
Ms. Amanda May