Transferring from another school district
Students entering the Clinton City School system should register at the Central Office as soon as possible.
Documents parents should bring for registration:
Proof of birth
Social Security card (if available)
Tennessee Department of Health Certificate of Immunization*
Proof of residence **
Current proof of custody of the child if parents are divorced, separated, or unmarried.
The child’s last report card from their previous school (used for placement purposes
*For students entering from out of state, parents must take their child's immunization records to the Anderson County Health Department, 710 North Main Street, Clinton, TN or contact a local physician to have the immunization record transferred to the Tennessee Certificate of Immunization.
** Proof of residence is a current utility bill - electric, gas, or water - with the parent's name and address printed on it. If parents have not been living at the residence long enough to have a utility bill, a lease on a house or apartment will be accepted, or you can get a statement from the utility company showing you have started service at the specific address.
Only a custodial parent or legal guardian may register the child. The custodial parent or legal guardian must show proof of guardianship by presenting a copy of custody papers or court order.