Includes videos to help students and parents understand how Clinton City Schools supports the Tennessee math standards.
To locate the video you want, click on the grade level videos in the "Math Videos by Grade Level" section at the right...then, locate the standard, strategy, concept, or Ready Math lesson you need.
The posting of the videos is a work in progress and will be updated as completed.
Domains are the large category of mathematics that the clusters and their respective content standards delineate and address.
Clusters contain groups of related standards. Cluster headings may be considered as the big idea(s) that the group of standards addresses. They are therefore useful as a quick summary of the progression of ideas that the standards in a domain cover and are helpful in determining the focus of the standards being taught.
Content Standards are statements of what a student should know, understand, and be able to do.
These three concepts are utilized by teachers to determine the sequencing and pacing of lessons. For example, Number and Operations – Fractions is a domain under which there are a number of clusters (the big ideas that will be addressed) along with their respective content standards, which give the specifics of what the student should know, understand, and be able to do when working with fractions. The standards for each grade flow and progress from one grade to the next based on the domains listed below. At the sixth grade level, the domains change dramatically from elementary concepts to middle school applications.