Our mission is based on the five E's.
-Engage students in meaningful learning experiences.
-Educate students using a variety of modalities.
-Encourage students to be their personal best.
-Enrich the lives the students.
-Empower students with decision making skills for the future.
Clinton Elementary School will be a technologically advanced environment where students are educated in ways that prepare them for success in an ever changing world.
We believe that all students can learn.
We believe that all students are unique and learn in different ways.
We believe that all students should be treated fairly and feel a sense of belonging.
Teaching and Learning
We believe that teachers should use a variety of strategies to meet the needs of different learning styles.
We believe that student learning should be connected to meaningful, real-life experiences.
We believe that instructional technology enhances learner involvement and overall achievement.
We believe that the school should provide a welcoming environment for all stakeholders.
We believe that the school should be a loving and safe environment for all students.
The Clinton Elementary School Students will follow the KNIGHTS rules.
K- Keep hands and feet to yourself.
N- Never disturb learning.
I- If it's not yours, ask permission.
G- Give attention to the speaker.
H- Hallway behavior should be orderly.
T- Turn in assignments/folders on time.
S- Say and do only kind things.
The students at Clinton Elementary School participate in a wide variety of programs and activities. We also have a running club for grades 1-6 and a Student Leadership Team. Our School Leadership Team is composed of students in fifth and sixth grade that have received teacher recommendation for exemplary character and work ethic. These students are involved in numerous events including recycling efforts, community service programs, and all school special events such as Thanksgiving Dinner, Grandparents' Day, Field Day, and the end of the year celebration. Our students participate in the Open Library, STEM After School Clubs, Jump Rope for Heart, and 4-H. All of the students participate in the Junior Achievement Program that involves students learning about the business world ranging from topics such as their community to the global economy. We also have a variety of Blaze Sports Clubs available for students.
CES students enjoy the frequent use of technology in their daily learning. All of the homeroom classes have interactive Smartboards. All students have one to one chromebooks. All Clinton City Schools have wireless internet, so the students have the internet at their fingertips. We have three 3-D printers that the students can use. Additionally, we offer art, music, technology, pe, library and guidance classes to each student.
Our monthly assembly is another special event at Clinton Elementary. During the assembly, student birthdays, special accomplishments, reading achievements are announced, and student of the month/ teacher of the month are awarded. We have class vs. class contests and often have special visitors. The monthly assembly is a special ritual at Clinton Elementary School as we celebrate success at being the best! We work hard at CES, but we also reward the students for their hard work and effort!
We have placed a big emphasis on student attendance. We encourage each student to be here everyday, be here on time, and stay the entire day. Instruction time will begin at 7:45. Honoring instructional time is critical to student success. We ask that you please try to make appointments after school when possible!