Pick Up/Drop Off Procedures

Our school day begins at 7:45 a.m. Doors will open for students at 7:15 a.m. with a staff member present for safety. Our Pre-K students can be dropped off at the lower parking lot door only starting at 7:30 a.m. After the 7:45 bell rings, students must enter the front door for a tardy slip from the office as all other building doors will be locked.
Our Pre-K students can be dropped off at the Pre-K classroom door only from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
All K-6 car riders will still need to enter the gate from the Beets Street entrance. If your child walks to school, he/she should enter through the front doors of the school by the office and report to the hallway outside of their classroom. Students will be picked up from the hall by their teachers at 7:30 for breakfast in the classrooms on Monday through Friday.
School is dismissed at 2:45 p.m. for grades K-6 and 1:30 p.m. for Pre-K. For K-6 car riders, enter the gate from Beets Street and pick up at the gym instead of the cafeteria. You will then proceed to McAdoo Street to exit the school. Pre-K will be dismissed at the same location as their arrival.
During the first week of school, each student will be given two rearview mirror tags with their names on them. Persons picking up students from the car rider line must have a tag and be listed on your child's data form for the safety of every student. Please display the tag on the inside rear view mirror so school personnel can read it. If you do not have your car rider tag you will be asked to go to the office with appropriate I.D. Your child will be in their classroom and when the tag is identified, we will have the child/children ready to place in the car. If more than two cards are needed, please make sure to request them in the office. No students will be allowed to leave in a car at dismissal through the front door.